Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What did you eat today?

Over the past few years i've realized that it always comes down to what you eat.

*A person can work out day in and day out but, if they continue to eat in a negative way the changes YOU are wanting will never come.

I ask myself every night "what did you eat today?"

I personally go the journal route, this is the easiest way to not only write down the foods that i'm taking in but also what I do when i'm at the gym working out.
Don't feel like hauling around a notebook?

*Notes on your phone
*Work Doc on your computer
*Food apps

No reason for excuses when we are making lifestyle changes :)

So, back to the topic! What did I eat today?...

2 Scrambled eggs
1/2 cup oats with water

Mid-Morning Snack:
1/2 Grapefruit

Mid-afternoon Snack:
1 cup veggies
Garlic Hummus (moderation)

serving size of cheez-its

3 cups lettuce
1/2 chicken breast
feta cheese
red onions

1 chicken breast
1/2 cup baked and seasoned potatoes 
1/4 baked zucchini 

You notice I cheated? ITS OK!!! I promise you its not the end of the world! :)

(picture doesn't show 2 of my mid snacks)

You should never be ashamed of what you eat. When you let yourself get down, thats normally when you give up. There is no reason to give up on something that you are wanting to succeed at!

I've come to realize I will never eat perfect and I don't want to. I still want to be able to live my life whether its with choices I make or the food that I decide to eat. You shouldn't feel like your being punished for eating better, its suppose to be an amazing experience making a change in your life, not a hassle!

I challenge you to challenge yourself-- Make one change in your day tomorrow. Whether you go to the gym, for a walk, drink any extra glass of water, or change up a meal that you wouldn't normal eat. 

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