Sunday, March 16, 2014

Prep yourself and support yourself!

Preparation is the key!

When you prepare your meals for the week before the actual week gets started, its amazing how many excuses get cut out. Every Sunday, I prepare for the week that I have ahead of me.
  • Breakfast
  • Snack
  • Snack
  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Dinner
I set aside an hour to an hour and a half each Sunday evening or mid day to prepare my meals. When the task is complete, this is usually what my counter looks like :)
This picture doesn't include my dinners, because I still have hamburgers left from last week!

*When making your meals ahead of time, you can't have an excuse of not wanting to cook!

Now, I understand that people have children, families, school work, church, or maybe they are caregivers. I completely get that... Me personally- I have a full time job, I have a part time job, I'm a girlfriend, a full time student, and a coach. If I am able to do this you are as well.

I have a ton of things that I could use as an excuse but, I decide not to be full of excuse! 

Thats what brings me onto my next top. In order to be able to do this you have to have a----
*support system*

I would like for you all to meet my family :)

The best support system a person could have, is there family. My dad has always encouraged me to drive to be and do what I want. My sister, she has always been such a strong role model while growing up. Lastly, my amazing mother without her this family would not tick the way that it does. She has shown me how to be strong, independent, and do anything that I want.

When you have a support system thats what they do--- they support your decisions and they stand by your side. Without a support system, you truly have nothing. The battle is to hard to fight!

I would now like for you to meet my boyfriend! 
Not only do you need a support system in your life but, you also need a rock to continue pushing you through. David is as hard headed, stubborn, and as competitive as I am. He has always pushed me to continue being who I want to be along with supporting my healthy life style! 
David and I have been together for a little over a year now, when we first starting dating both of our eating was poor. I decided last summer, prior to my knee surgery I was ready for a change and to get back on track with my eating. David wasn't ready for the change but, he supported me 110%. Not to long ago, before David has his own surgery in Dec of 2013 he decided he was ready for the change as well. We have now fought this battle together and we have now both changed our lives for the best..

The moral to all of this-- you have to have someone there supporting you. Someone there to lift you when your feeling down, you have to have drive from your family who have been by your side longer than anyone else. And most of all, you have to have someone who makes you feel beautiful even when you cant see it yourself.

In the long run, only you can push yourself to the max. Only you can have the full determination to succeed; and only you can be fully happy at the end of the day with your choice!

Set reasonable goals, nothing crazy or completely out there!
What was my goal? Show my true strength and do a one handed push up.... Did I fail or succeed? 

You bet your butt I succeed :)

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