Sunday, March 23, 2014

Eaters Remore/Binge eating

Finally the weekend is over!!!

Weird to hear someone say that right? Reasoning-- I usually eat like crap on the weekends. I get so excited when Sunday evening comes; I've cooked all my meals for the week and I do a cleanse which usually makes me feel slightly better... just slightly though.

There are two different "issues" that people tend to have when it comes to eating.

Eaters Remorse and Binge Eating

Me personally, I have eaters remorse. After eating extremely healthy for over a year now, when something I KNOW is bad for me enters my mouth and the thought of it sits in i'm literally pissed! Weekends are the worst because i'm always out and about. I'm at the ball fields or somewhere else watching some type of sports game or out for an event.
I've been doing awesome though- Softball is in full swing and i've mastered the system. Just because my work week is over, doesn't mean I need to stop prepping!

This weekend in my bag:
1 serving of small carrots
1 serving of mixed veggies
1/2 bag sunflower seeds
1 protein bar
2 apples

This beats eating at the concession stand AND going to the gas station for a bag of chips or other crap (also saves money$$). You just have to do it, for it to work!

Now, onto the next! A lot of my friends have said they have Binge Eating Disorder-- this is when you uncontrollably eat depending on issues in your life and what not. Most people will eat because they are stressed, they are then upset that they have eaten horribly which then causes then to continue eating.

In my eyes (which i'm not a doctor) all of this can be controlled (binge and remorse). It's all mental people! I don't have to put crap in my mouth, there is always an alternative; if I do decide to put something bad for me in my mouth, I shouldn't beat myself up over it. Other's don't have to continue to push food in there mouths when they know they shouldn't because of an issue; it is part of life that we all have to deal with. It's honestly all mental! (geez I just sounded like my father!)

*Eating something healthier than you normally would
*Chewing gum is proven to help people who are binge eaters
*Always have healthy snacks with you to keep that tummy full
* Plan ahead! You make dinner plans and events ahead of time right? Its easy :)

Check out this website if you wanting to know some of the good foods that you should have entering your mouth and body!

As you can see, just because its healthy doesn't mean it has to be boring! My dinner this evening had under 200 calories and I put my plate away with a full tummy!

Calories break down of the serving sizes
(my sauce (low sodium) was only 2 tbps; which is way under the 140 calories; red onions were only 2 calories)

(Picture is not of low sodium sauce)

I personally love pizza and this is a great alternative to still get the flavors, crust feeling, and the sauce! On top of that, its still healthy and GOOD!

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend and your prepped and ready for the week to come!
**Remember, try to make a positive change in your diet this week! Happy weather is just around the corner :)

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